Our solution

Seamless integration into the supply chain

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Engineering biology

After identifying an interesting colour produced by a specific organism, we search public databases to find the instructions for making the colour in its DNA code. We then engineer a safe microbe with that DNA code to convert it into a microscopic colour factory.


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Creating our colour bio-banks

Once the colour has undergone the initial tests we ship a vial of freeze-dried, colour producing microbes to our customers. Starting with the freeze-dried microbes, the customer can then grow hundreds to thousands of litres of colour producing microbes using precise fermentation, literally “growing colour”.


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Grow the colour into dye liquid

The engineered microbes are grown in bioreactors, the same way beer is brewed. The microbes grow on non-hazardous ingredients, like agricultural by-products, which are naturally rich in sugars, peptides and salts.


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Dyeing the fabric

Everything in the fermentor—the microbes, water and media — are then pumped into standard dye machines along with the yarn, fabric, or garment to be dyed.


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Brand launches

We’ve already partnered with fashion brands such as Vollebak and Pangaia to bring products dyed with our technology to market and into consumers' wardrobes. The collaboration with brands are important to increase the demand throughout the supply chain as well as to educate and raise awareness amongst consumers.


Planet and people comes first

At Colorifix, everything we do - we do for the planet and people. Our approach is not about incremental gains, it's about scaling up for significant and lasting impact. While we race to scale and build our company, we want to make sure we do it in the most sustainable way possible.

GM process but not a GM product

Our technology uses a GM process but not a GM product. We need the lowest safety regulation: risk class 1 containment level 1. The class of GMO we are using has been safely used in the pharmaceutical  industry for decades, for example,  in the production of insulin. These are well-studied microorganisms that have been domesticated by scientists over the last hundred years and which do not possess key functions required to compete in the outside world.

ISO 9001

When it comes to operating as a business, Colorifix focuses on monitoring conformity and ensuring continuous improvement. Our quality management system is ISO9001:2015 certified under the scope of “design, development and the supply of biological pigments to the textiles industry”. Certificate FS 792665 was awarded to us by BSI, demonstrating full standard requirements compliance.

Safety, nature and people are 
at the core of what we do

Our dyes have been awarded the OEKO-TEX® Eco Passport pioneering the first biological dye safety testing programme which incorporates biocompatibility tests for skin allergenicity, skin irritation and cytotoxicity, setting a new standard in the industry.

Our Colours

We’d like to tell you a story. Well, a couple of them actually. These are the stories of our colours.

Botanic Cyan & Azure Drift

This pigment carries a legacy steeped in cultural and artistic tradition. From the fermented leaves of a plant, it has coloured the textiles, pottery, and frescoes of Asia for centuries, with its roots reaching back to the ancient Mayan civilizations. In 1897, the pigment was synthesised for industrial production, and it still enhances our world today, particularly in adding texture and depth to denim.

Although often linked to the colour blue, this remarkable plant also yields a closely related pink pigment. By experimenting with the dyeing process, we unlock a spectrum of shades that beautifully combine both colours.

Blushing Rose & Solar Glow

In the heart of the earth's surface, where geysers—those pressurised hot springs—breathe steam and heat, a remarkable pigment lies hidden. This pigment can transform into a spectrum of colours depending on the whims of its environment, like pH, salinity, and temperature.

Long ago, ancient bacteria, resilient and enduring, first created this pigment in their extreme habitats. Over time, nature scattered this colourful gift across diverse landscapes. For our Colorifix process, we embarked on a quest to find an organism capable of producing this pigment under more gentle conditions. Our journey led us to an underwater bacterium, thriving silently in the depths, perfect for our needs.

Harnessing its DNA, we engineered our microbes, tweaking the pH of the fermentation process. Through this, we unlocked the secret to creating four distinct colours from this single, versatile pigment. Here we’d like to introduce you to: Blushing Rose.

Sunlit Sand

This pigment, born from bacteria, thrives in soil and deep-sea sediments. Remarkably lightfast, it retains its vibrant colour even under the harshest sunlight, a crucial trait for natural dyes striving to rival their synthetic counterparts.

When we create this pigment-producing bacteria on a plate, the colour spills across the entire surface, escaping the confines of the bacterial colonies. This phenomenon is driven by the pigment's unique chemical structure and solubility, which enable it to diffuse and transport beyond the cell's boundaries.